Jessica Calarco. 2024. Holding it Together: How Women Became America’s Social Safety Net. Portfolio/Penguin. (ebook)
Mario Luis Small and Jessica McCrory Calarco. 2022. Qualitative Literacy: A Guide to Evaluating Ethnographic and Interview Research. University of California Press. (ebook)
Outstanding Publication Award. 2023. Methodology Section, American Sociological Association.
Symposium in Sociological Methods & Research.
Jessica McCrory Calarco. 2020. A Field Guide to Grad School: Uncovering the Hidden Curriculum. Princeton (ebook).
Jessica McCrory Calarco. 2018. Negotiating Opportunities: How the Middle Class Secures Advantages in School. Oxford (ebook)
Pierre Bourdieu Book Award. 2020. Sociology of Education Section, American Sociological Association.
Scholarly Achievement Award for Best Book. 2019. North Central Sociological Association.
Photo Credit: C.
seleceted articles and book chapters
underline indicates student coauthor
Monica Heilman and Jessica McCrory Calarco. 2023. “Home is where it happens: a visual essay on pandemic parenting for employed mothers,” Visual Studies 38 (3-4).
Jessica McCrory Calarco, Ilana Horn, and Grace A. Chen. 2022. “‘You Need to Be More Responsible’: Homework Inequalities and the Myth of Meritocracy,” Educational Researcher 51(8): 515-523.
Jessica McCrory Calarco. 2022. “Getting the Logic to Work,” in Janice D. Aurini, Melanie Heath, and Stephanie Howells, eds., The How To of Qualitative Research. SAGE.
Elaine M. Hernandez and Jessica McCrory Calarco. 2021. “Health Decisions Amidst Controversy: Conflicting Norms and Influence Regarding Prenatal Alcohol Consumption.” Social Science & Medicine 286: 114319
Jeffrey Guhin, Jessica McCrory Calarco, and Cynthia Miller-Idris. 2021. “Whatever Happened to Socialization?” Annual Review of Sociology 47: 109-129.
Jessica McCrory Calarco, Elizabeth M. Anderson, Emily Meanwell, and Amelia S. Knopf. 2021. “By Default: How Mothers in Different-Sex Dual-Earner Couples Account for Inequalities in Pandemic Parenting,” Socius.
Jessica McCrory Calarco. 2020. “Avoiding Us versus Them: How Schools’ Dependence on Privileged ‘Helicopter’ Parents Influences Enforcement of Rules,” American Sociological Review 85, no. 2.
Jessica L. Malisch, Breanna N. Harris, Shanen M. Sherrer, Kristy A. Lewis, Stephanie L. Shepherd, Pumtiwitt C. McCarthy, Jessica L. Spott, Elizabeth P. Karam, Naima Moustaid-Moussa, Jessica McCrory Calarco, Latha Ramalingam, Amelia E. Talley, Jaclyn E. Cañas-Carrell, Karin Ardon-Dryer, Dana A. Weiser, Ximena E. Bernal, and Jennifer Deitloff. “Reply to Arora et al.: Concerns and considerations about using the CV as an equity tool,” 2020 Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 117(39):24033-24034.
Jessica L. Malisch, Breanna N. Harris, Shanen M. Sherrer, Kristy A. Lewis, Stephanie L. Shepherd, Pumtiwitt C. McCarthy, Jessica L. Spott, Elizabeth P. Karam, Naima Moustaid-Moussa, Jessica McCrory Calarco, Latha Ramalingam, Amelia E. Talley, Jaclyn E. Cañas-Carrell, Karin Ardon-Dryer, Dana A. Weiser, Ximena E. Bernal, and Jennifer Deitloff. 2020. “Opinion: In the wake of COVID-19, academia needs new solutions to ensure gender equity,” Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 117(27): 15378-15381.
Amy L. Gonzales, Jessica McCrory Calarco, and Teresa Lynch. 2020. “Technology Problems and Student Achievement Gaps: A Validation and Extension of Technology Maintenance Theory,” Communication Research. First published online 2017.
Jessica McCrory Calarco. 2020. “When ‘Helicopters’ Go to School: Who Gets Rescued and Who Gets Left Behind?” Chapter 41 in The State of Families: Law, Policy, and the Meanings of Relationships, edited by Jennifer A. Reich. Routledge. p. 261-263. (reprint of a Council on Contemporary Families Briefing published in 2020)
Jessica McCrory Calarco. 2019. “Social Class and Student-Teacher Interactions” Chapter 7 in Thurston Domina, Benjamin Gibbs, Lisa Nunn and Andrew Penner, eds., Education & Society. University of California Press. p. 96-109.
Brea L. Perry and Jessica McCrory Calarco. 2017. “Let Them Eat Cake: Socioeconomic Status and Caregiver Indulgence of Children’s Food and Drink Requests,” in Sara Shostak, ed., Food Systems and Health (Advances in Medical Sociology), Volume 18. p. 121-146. Emerald Publishing.
Jessica McCrory Calarco. 2014. “Coached for the Classroom: Parents’ Cultural Transmission and Children’s Reproduction of Inequalities,” American Sociological Review 79, no. 5: 1015-1037
Jessica McCrory Calarco. 2014. “The Inconsistent Curriculum: Cultural Tool-Kits and Student Interpretations of Ambiguous Expectations,” Social Psychology Quarterly 76, no. 2: 186-209.
Jessica McCrory Calarco. 2014. “Help Seekers and Silent Strugglers: Student Problem-Solving in Elementary Classrooms,” American Educator 38, no. 4: 24-31.
Sebastian Cherng, Jessica McCrory Calarco, & Grace Kao. 2013. “Along for the Ride: Best Friends’ Resources and Adolescents’ College Completion,” American Educational Research Journal 50, no. 1: 76-106.
Annette Lareau and Jessica McCrory Calarco. 2012. “Class, Cultural Capital, and Institutions: The Case of Families and Schools,” Chapter 4 in Susan T. Fiske & Hazel Markus, eds., Facing Social Class: Social Psychology of Social Class. New York: Russell Sage. p. 61-86.
Jessica McCrory Calarco. 2011. “‘I Need Help!’ Social Class and Children’s Help-Seeking in Elementary School,” American Sociological Review 76, no. 6: 862-882.
Policy briefs, reports, and working papers
underline indicates student coauthor
Jessica McCrory Calarco and Elizabeth M. Anderson. 2022. “Parents’ Perspectives on Children and Covid-19: Insights from the 2022 Parenting in Tumultuous Times (PITT) Survey,” Report. Indiana University. IUScholarWorks.
Emma Zang, Milly Yang (Student), and Jessica McCrory Calarco. 2022. “Patterns in Receiving Informal Help with Childcare among US Parents During the Covid-19 Pandemic.” SSRN Working Paper.
Elizabeth M. Anderson and Jessica McCrory Calarco. 2021. “‘If It Was Something Like Smallpox’ How a Theory of Moral Calm Explains Parents’ Decisions Regarding Covid-19 Vaccines” SocArxiv Working Paper.
Jessica McCrory Calarco, Max Coleman, and Andrew Halpern-Manners. 2021. “Mechanisms of Stratification in In-Person Instruction in the Wake of COVID-19.” SocArxiv Working Paper.
Jessica McCrory Calarco and Elizabeth M. Anderson. 2021. ““I’m Not Gonna Put That On My Kids”: Gendered Opposition to New Public Health Initiatives.” SocArxiv Working Paper
Gwen Petro, Amy Gonzales, and Jessica McCrory Calarco. 2020. “Out of Luck": Socio-Economic Differences in Student Coping Responses to Technology Problems,” Proceedings of the 2020 CHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems.
Jessica Calarco. 2020. “When “Helicopters” Go to School: Who Gets Rescued and Who Gets Left
Behind?” Research Brief. Council on Contemporary Families.
Jessica McCrory Calarco, Emily Meanwell, Elizabeth M. Anderson, and Amelia S. Knopf. 2020. “‘My Husband Thinks I’m Crazy:’ Covid-19-Related Conflicts in Couples with Young Children.” SocArxiv Working Paper.
Jessica McCrory Calarco, Elizabeth M. Anderson, Emily Meanwell, and Amelia S. Knopf. 2020. “Let’s Not Pretend It’s Fun: How COVID-19-Related School and Childcare Closures are Damaging Mothers’ Well-Being,” SocArxiv Working Paper.